
Thursday 8 August 2013

July 2013

Is your 101st blog post as big a deal as your 100th? I feel like it should be otherwise it would've been 100 Dalmations instead of 101 Dalmations. Get what I'm saying? 100 just isn't as exciting as 101, plus, it has a nice ring. Enough about that.

July was a crazy month for us. Mr. Mitchell was gone the entire month except for two days in the middle. Sprout and I did just fine, but we missed him a lot, and we spent plenty of money on sitters on nights that I worked. He was back for another two days and is off on a fire again, but hopefully will be home tonight. Mr. Mitchell is very tired, but he's happy to be busy and productive doing something that matters. Sprout and I spent a lot of time at the pool playing in the water and trying to maintain his floating skills. Since I was busy living the pseudo-single mother life I didn't get many pictures or videos of my kid, but I'll share what I did get in the month of July.

Sprout learned from my parents' dog how fun the dishwasher can be.

Now it's one of his favorite things to play with whenever it's open, and sometimes even when it's closed.

I love his precious face in this picture. His eyebrows are always giving away how he feels.

The flash blinded him, but I liked his hair.

Sprout still loves anything crinkly, including ads that come in the mail.

I don't have any videos this month showing anything in particular: they're all just Sprout being Sprout, and for me that's enough. He is such a special boy, and just watching him be himself fills me with extreme happiness. These videos are pretty much just for the grandmas and others who feel the same way about my boy. 


  1. I love Sprout! He is such a beautiful and sweet little man. I am glad you updated! Luke and I love seeing the little dude and hearing how you guys all are! Loves to all of you!


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